October 23, 2024

The Camping News

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Exploring Dentures And The After-Care Involved

Modern dentistry has come a long way in helping millions improve their oral health and wellness. One such milestone has been the invention of dentures. These are excellent tooth replacement solutions that can help you regain your original oral form, function, and aesthetics. 

Wichita Falls dentures provided by dental specialists offer excellent speech, and oral function enhancement, in addition to being highly durable when taken care of. 

An introduction to dentures 

Dentures are removable oral appliances that replace missing teeth in your upper jaw (maxilla), lower jaw (upper jaw), or both. These are crafted using materials like resin, acrylic, metal, or porcelain.

There are different types of dentures, namely:

  • Partial dentures: Replace one or a few missing teeth.
  • Complete dentures: Replace all the missing teeth.
  • Immediate dentures: These are fabricated immediately after teeth extractions.
  • Implant-supported dentures: Draw support and anchorage from dental implants inserted into the jawbone. 

Fabricating dentures- the procedure details 

Fabricating dentures could take several appointments until a proper fit and occlusion is ensured. The procedure involves the following steps:

  • Initial consultation
    • Your dentist will examine your oral cavity to assess your gum health, and the missing space. 
    • Dental X-rays will be taken to evaluate your bone thickness.
  • Recording oral impressions
    • Dental impressions of the upper and lower jaw will be taken to create a model that acts as a base for denture fabrication.
  • Customizing the dentures
    • Your lab technician will fabricate the dentures using appropriate material, and the shade for your false teeth. 
  • Polishing the dentures
    • Once the dentures are created, your technician will polish them for a natural-looking shine, and send them to your dentist. 
  • Denture placement
    • Your dentist will place your dentures in the mouth and check it’s fit.
    • The dentist will carefully examine the dentures to check for any high points inserting excess pressure on the gums. 
    • Necessary adjustments will be made accordingly. 

It may usually take a few weeks, or sometimes months to get used to your new dentures. Once used to them, dentures can last as long as 8 to 10 years with proper oral care. 

Caring for your dentures 

Proper care and maintenance help keep your dentures in good condition. Here are a few tips to ensure your appliances last as long as possible:

  • Remove the dentures at the end of the day
  • Clean them using a denture brush and paste
  • Soak the dentures overnight in the denture solution provided by your dentist
  • Brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day to remove plaque and debris

Teeth replacement is essential to restore your oral functions, speech, and your facial aesthetics. Consult your dentist to discuss the right option that suits you best. 

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